A bit of history

The NeuroMod Institute is unique in that its members retain their affiliations with their respective laboratories and graduate schools (EUR), even while actively participating in the Institute's life and administration. The guiding principle has always been that NeuroMod is a structure representing a specific theme, designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and projects.
Our community is, therefore, built around shared interests and relies on active members who drive innovation and create opportunities within our thematic areas of modeling,  neuroscience, cognition, and health.

List of current members

Become a member!

If you wish to become part of the NeuroMod Institute, just apply by filling out this form. You will be asked to motivate your application and show a genuine interest in interdisciplinarity : 

Membership application 

CRITERIA (Excerpts from the Internal Regulations and Article 2 of the Statutes of the NeuroMod Institute) :

  1. Status: members must be a "chercheur" or "enseignant-chercheur" eligible for the central bodies of Université Côte d’Azur, specializing in the institute’s themes (modeling in cognitive sciences and neuroscience). 
  2. A member of the institute must be actively involved in the institute’s activities through research, student supervision, and academic engagement. Only a member of the institute can be appointed to the scientific council, whether to represent components, laboratories, or entities, or to best represent the institute’s themes (Article 4.1.1.). Only external advisors from outside the university, coming from the socio-economic world, are exempt from this clause.

Your application will be reviewed by the Scientific Council. The membership offers you the possibility to participate in our yearly meeting, to sit in the scientific council and to cumulate grants obtained through our different project calls. 

Honorary members

An 'honorary' member status was created for retired or emeritus members.
The role of an honorary member is purely advisory and the status is offered to individuals who have contributed and actively participated in the development of the institute.

For now, the Institute counts following honorary members: 

Olivier FAUGERAS (Inria)
Jean-Louis NAHON (IPMC)
Philippe ROBERT (CoBTeK)