The project is divided into 5 major work packages (WP). Consortium interactions between biocognitive experimental levels and mathematical/computational modeling is shown in the Figure below.

In both cognitive and neurobiological sciences, experiments are already performed in Nice and Sophia Antipolis at different scales (from molecular mechanisms to individual behaviors) using different devices (whole-cell recording, Multi-Electrode Arrays (MEA), Local Field Potential (LFP), Electroencephalography (EEG), learning tasks, etc.). Most of these devices are used at animal scale (mouse), but some are also used at human scale (EEG, response times, error rates).

Our goal is to extend current local biological experimental techniques to be able to fully and multimodally collect data from learning mice and to bridge the gap with human behavior and cognition through neural network modeling. Methodologically, the biocognitive experiments will be set in a microscale (synapse, neuron, circuits) to full organism approach. To increase pertinence of work, comparable experiments will be defined at behavioral cognitive level between mice and humans (cf. “Learning behaviors”). Corresponding circuits (focusing on hippocampus and cortex) will be identified to set experiments at this microscale level. Modelers will constantly interact with biologists and cognitivists to ensure the adequacy between the data to be provided and both analysis and modeling.